Jul 20, 2012

Akkara Adisal - 2

Akkara Adisal  is a minor  variation of Sakkarai Pongal. Srivillliputtur Akkara Adisal  is very  famous.  It is slightly   different from  Iyengar Akkara Adisal, since rock sugar is used instead of jaggery. My friend Mayura gave this recipe. This is really very tasty. 

Raw rice –                                          1/4 cup
Whole milk                                           3 cup
Half and Half milk                                3cup
 Powdered Rock sugar (Kalkandu) -         1 ½ cup
Cashews –                                         ½ cup (keep aside 1 tbsp.for garnishing)
Almonds –                                         ½ cup (Keep aside 1 tbsp. for garnishing)
Ghee-                                                 ½ cup to ¾ cup
Green Cardamoms -                             10 nos
Cloves                                                  4 no
Nut Meg powder                                  - 1/4 tsp.
Saffron   -                                            2 pinches
Almond flakes –                                   3 tbsp. for decoration

  • Soak cashews and almonds in hot water for 1 hour. Remove the almond skin and grind  it with cashews , slightly roughly. Keep aside.
  • Wash the rice and fry it 1 tsp. of ghee.
  • Add 1 cups of milk, 1 cup of half and half milk and a pinch of saffron, crushed
  • Cardamom.  Cook it in the pressure cooker for 4 whistles. After 4 whistles reduce the stove heat, and again cook it for 5 more minutes.
  • Take out from the cooker and smash the rice very well. Keep aside.
  • Heat the remaining milks with a pinch of saffron in a slow cooker.  Let it boil for an hours.
  •  Transfer the boiling milk to the heavy bottom vessel. Now add the smashed rice, ghee and nut paste to the boiling milk. Stir well. Let it boil for few more minutes in a slow heat.
  • Now add powdered rock sugar in it. Stir well and let it cook it in lower heat.
  • Fry the nuts, nutmeg powder, crushed cardamoms and crushed cloves in ghee and add it to the Adisal mixture.  Garnish with Almond flakes.
  • Now the yummy Akkara Adisal  is ready.

1 comment:

  1. Looks Delicious :) made me come to ur blog from a community to view :)
    Also do visit my space :)
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