Showing posts with label Beverages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beverages. Show all posts

Mar 1, 2018

505: Sukku Malli Coffee| Sonti Kaapi/ சுக்கு காபி / Dry ginger Coffee

Sukku Malli Coffee is an excellent home remedy for indigestion. If you give young children Sukku coffee, they will not suffer from anemia as it is made with palm jaggery which is rich in iron and they will also develop a taste for traditional drinks instead of drinking harmful cola drinks. Sukku  Coffee is very good For Cold: This coffee is very comforting to drink when we have cold and it also helps if we suffer from chest congestion. It is an amazing health drink with the goodness of Dry ginger, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cardamom, whole black peppercorns with jaggery/palm sugar/palm jaggery for sweetness.

Prep Time:          5 Mins
Cook Time:         5 Mins  
Category:            Herbal Juices , Beverages

Ingredients for Sukku Malli Coffee Powder(Makes 4 tbsp):

Dry Ginger Powder/ 2’’ in Sukku             2 Tablespoon
Coriander Seeds                                    1 Tablespoon
Whole Black Peppercorns                       ¾ Teaspoon
Cardamom                                            1 no.
Cloves                                                  2 no
Ingredients for Black  Sukku Coffee

Palm Sugar/ Karuppatti                           2-3 Tablespoons
Water                                                    2 Cups
Sukku Malli Coffee Powder                      2 Tablespoon

With Milk Sukku Coffee

Warm Milk          ¼ cup


Dry roast the coriander seeds, black pepper in pan.

To Make Sukku Malli Coffee powder
  • Take the roasted pepper and coriander seeds in a mortar and pestle with Dry Ginger Powder, Cloves and Cardamom and make a Crushed powder. This is called as Sukku Malli Coffee powder. 
  • You can store it in an air tight container for long term storage.

To make Black Sukku Malli Coffee

  • Take the palm jaggery powder /Broken Palm Jaggery ,Water and pounded 1 tablespoon of  Sukku Coffee powder into a bowl.
  • Boil everything together till the raw smell of coriander seeds leaves and the water reduces.
  • Filter the Sukku Malli Coffee and serve it hot. No other drink can comfort you so much when you have sore throat.

Sukku Malli Coffee With Milk
  •  Add ¼ of warm milk with ¾ cup of Black Sukku Malli Coffee.

  • If you don't get palm jaggery, substitute with regular jaggery.
  • Don't pound the spices too finely.
  • For Fever and Heavy cough, when you boil the  coffee add few leaves of Tulsi and Oma Valli Thayai.

Apr 6, 2015

429: Adrak Ki Chai – Ginger Tea

Indian tea is fully strong  and  adored by millions. Today Indian teas come in a wide range of flavors and strengths.
I want to share the recipe of a simple homemade ginger tea with cardamom. 

Whole Milk                             2 cup ((No other milk can be substituted )
Water                                    2 cup
Loose Tea leaves                   3 tbsp.
Ginger fresh                           1 tbsp.
Sugar                                     4 Tbsp.
 Green cardamoms                  8 nos
A deep dish container               For making tea


  • Put  the ginger and cardamom in a mini chopper or food processor and pulse it a few times to break them down a bit to release those incredible aroma.
  • Take a pan add water and milk  in  it and bring to rapid boil, stirring regularly to prevent scorching.
  • As soon as the liquid comes to boil, add the tea leaves and ginger cardamom blend.
  •  Now add sugar and Let it to boil  1 to 2 minutes.
  • Strain the chai into servings cups
  • Serving piping hot with biscuits.
  • Always use fresh ginger (powder or prepackaged cannot be substituted).
  • The amount of ginger can be varied. if you really like to have a strong taste of ginger, than add more ginger. 

Apr 1, 2015

428: Jalapeno Virgin Margarita

Margaritas are practically the national drink of Mexico. Non-alcoholic margaritas, also called virgin margaritas, taste just as wonderful as the full-alcohol versions.
This sweet and spicy margarita flavored with sweet and jalapeno chilies.

Ice water                                   ½ cup
Fresh Lemon Juice                      2 Tbsp.
Sugar                                         2 Tsp.
Agave     syrup                           1 Tbsp.
Kosher Salt                                1 Tsp.
Lemonade                                  1 tin
Finely chopped Jalapenos            1 Tbsp.
Roundly chopped Jalapenos         1   no.               
Crushed Ice cubes                       1/2 cup
Ice Cubes                                    ½ cup

  • Place the lemonade concentrate, water, Lime juice, salt, agave syrup, sugar ,1/8 tsp op Jalapeno chilies, and ice cubes in a conventional blender or frozen drink mixer.
  • Blend at high speed until the ice pulverizes and the drink is thoroughly mixed.
  • Garnish with chopped Jalapenos and ice and serve chilled.
  • Enjoy!

Jul 18, 2014

Fresh Mint Ginger Lemonade

 The soothing and cleansing properties in citrus, mint, and ginger make this a smart (and zesty) digestive, Lemon juice packs in vitamin C. I love the gingery-zing, and the mint flavor that this delicious lemonade has.  This lovely, fresh, uplifting drink will give you a refreshing in hot days. It also has some excellent health benefits; lemon and ginger are thought to be beneficial for digestion as well as being high in vitamin content. Enjoy!


Fresh Mint                             12 no.
Cold Plain water                    2 cups
Grated ginger                        2 Tbsp.
Fresh lemon Juice                  4 Tbsp.
Honey   Or agave                   2 Tsp.

For Garnishing

Ice cubes
Fresh mint leaves
Lemon slice


  • Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high to combine. 
  • Fill 2 large glasses with ice cubes; add lemonade; garnish with mint leaves and fresh lemon slices.

  • You can add a pinch of fried cumin powder and chat masala on top to get  Indian flavor.

Jul 7, 2014

Aam Panna/ Spiced Raw Mango Drink

Aam Panna is a typical Indian Summer Thirst quencher. Nothing more satisfying than a chilled glass of Aam Panna in summers.  It is made from green mangoes and it is used as a tasty and healthy beverage to fight against the intense  summer heat. There are many variations available of Aam panna. Some people make it with Sugar, ginger, mint and lots more., but I made this Panna is very simple.  Prepare  this Aam Panna to the beat the heat in summer.


Raw Mangoes                       3 No.
 Roasted Cumin seeds         2 Tsp.
Sugar                                   1/2 cup or as per your taste
Black pepper                        ¼ Tsp.
Black Salt                             To Taste
Salt                                       a  pinch
Mint                                      1 Tsp. (Optional)
Crushed Cardamom              1 no.      
Water                                  approx. 4 glasses
Ice cubes                             1 cup


  • Pressure cooks the mangoes till soft. Peel the mangoes and squeeze the pulp out of them. Discard the pits.
  • Combine black salt, black pepper, sugar, roasted cumin; cardamom and mint leaves in a processor give it a good swirl, till they are powdery and smooth. Add the mango pulp to this and puree it till smooth.
  • Add   chilled water with some ice cubes in it and blend it well. Pour this into Jug and refrigerate it.
  • Pour the Aam Panna into the glasses and serve with ice cubes.
  •  You can store this ground mango puree in a clean  bottle and keep it in a refrigerator. Do not use water in the syrup.
To prepare the Aam Panna:-
  • Take 3 tablespoon of Aam Panna syrup in a serving glass. Put chilled water and ice cubes and serve.


Jul 30, 2013

Green Fusion Smoothie

This smoothie is very healthy one. This smoothie gives you full serving of fruit and an excellent source of vitamins C, A, K, B1, B6, D& E. This quick and easy smoothie recipe is a filling breakfast or satisfying snack. So get out your blender and enjoy a healthy fruit smoothie today.


Chopped Green apple                          ¼ cup
Chopped Mango                                  ¼ cup
Chopped pine apple                            ¼ cup
Chopped kiwi                                      ¼ c up
Chopped banana                                 ½ cup
Chopped broccoli                                   2 no.
Chopped carrot                                     ¼ cup
Spinach                                                 ¼ cup
Soy milk                                               ½ cup  
Flax seed                                              1tbsp


  • Combine all the ingredients into your blender.
  • Blend until contents are smooth and creamy.
  • Pour into glass and serve immediately.

Jul 15, 2013

Tropical fruit Smoothie

A smoothie is a blended and sometimes sweetened beverage made from fresh fruit (fruit smoothie). In India, the traditional Mango Shake is really a summer smoothie .

Banana& Pineapple are a tropical fruit. Eaten raw, cooked or blended, we can gain many health benefits from tropical fruits.

 In this recipe, just a hint of coconut plays against the tart pineapple and smooth banana flavors.


Pineapple chunks        -        1 cup
Ripe Banana                        1 no.
Pineapple juice                     1 cup
Unsweetened coconut milk    ¼ cup
Honey                                  1 tbsp.
Ice cubes                              2 cups.

  • Pour the juice into the pitcher and add the pineapples, banana ,coconut milk, honey  and ice cubes.
  • Blend on until very smooth. Pour into glasses and serve at once. 


 If you do not have coconut milk, you can substitute sweetened milk and omit the honey. 


Mar 19, 2012

Mango Lassi

Lassie originated in Punjab, in the northern region of India, and in their most traditional form, are a savory drink — yogurt thinned with a little water and seasoned with salt and other spices. But there are many sweet, fruit-based lassi flavorings, mango being the most common. Using thick yogurt, like Greek yogurt or the Indian-style Dahi, makes the lassi richer — if you’re using regular yogurt, try blending just the yogurt with the mango, and adding milk only if necessary to thin out the lassi.
Mango Lassi is the perfect cooler on a hot day. You can add extra sweetness to it (if you like) with sugar or honey. If you're making it for kids and want to avoid the sugar, use unsweetened fruit juice or pulp.
Flavored lassi in different colors is served for breakfast near Dadar railway station, Mumbai. Its so yummy.

Mango Peeled, Chopped                    1 cup
 Greek Yogurt                                  2 cups
Cold Milk   or coconut milk               ½ cup
Sugar  or Agave syrup                      2tsp                                          
Cardamon powder                            1/4 tsp   .
Vanilla Essence (Optional )                 ¼ tsp.        
 Chopped Dry fruits     (optional)         2 tbsp.
  • Blend all the ingredients together (except dry fruits) with crushed ice until smooth.
  • Serve Chilled with dry fruits on top.

  •  You can substitute the mango with papaya or very ripe banana to make papaya lassi or banana lassi every day.

Dec 17, 2011

Masala Chai (Spiced Tea)

Tea is drunk in many countries of the world, and each one has its own particular ways for preparation and service. Tea can be served hot or cold. India produces and consumes more tea than any other country in the world, except for China, including the famous Assam tea and Darjeeling tea.
In India, chai is available from street vendors called chaiwallahs. These chaiwallahs carry pots of chai and serve it in freshly fired earthen cups that are discarded after use. It is also a family tradition in India to welcome your guests with cups of chai .Each family has their own recipe and preparation method..
This warming beverage is easy to prepare by steeping spices in hot water and milk before adding black tea. It's not as milky as the chai often sold at American coffee bars. To make it richer, add more milk and sugar to taste.
Darjeeling teas are light and refreshing but they do not hold up well to strong spices like cinnamon and ginger. A simple cardamom infusion works well with Darjeeling teas. Nilgiri teas accept flavoring easily and work well for iced chais. Assam has a much more robust flavor and work well for strongly spiced hot chais. Green teas are also used but they do not hold up well to strong spices and must not be boiled or steeped for more than 3 minutes or you will end up with a bitter brew. If you need to avoid caffeine then you have a few options. Decaffeinated teas generally do not have the robust flavor that chai needs. A decaf breakfast blend will offer the best flavor. Another zero caffeine option is Rooibos, an herbal tea that is readily available.
Masala chai (literally "spiced tea") is a beverage from the Indian subcontinent made by brewing tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs.My Friend Mayura makes very tasty chai. Thanks Mayura for the wonderful tip.
Cold "chai"
As an alternative to the hot tea format, several types of cold "chai" beverages have become popular in the United States. These range in complexity from a simple spiced iced tea without milk to a slush of spiced tea, ice, and milk (or non-dairy creamer) mixed in a blender and topped with whipped cream.

A deep dish container
Water                              – ¾ cup
Whole milk                     – ½ cup (No other milk can be substituted (if you really want the taste of real chai))
Black tea                          2 tbsp. (Tetley ‘s loose tea I am using it)
Sugar                                to taste
 Grated Fresh ginger           1 tsp
Cloves                              2no
 Green Cardamoms             3 nos
cinnamon Powder               a pinch
  • In a mortar, crush the cloves, cardamom pods and pepper.
  • Take a small saucepan, add water, crushed masalas, sugar, fresh grated ginger and bring to a boil. Add tea leaves and let it boil one more minute.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, cover and keep aside for  5 minutes.
  • Take another sauce pan, add the milk and sugar to the pan and bring to a boil . Let it boil in simmer heat for few more minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and add the strained tea. Cover and let sleep for 3 minutes.
  • Stir the chai, strain it into am warmed teapot or directly into teacups.
  • Enjoy with cookies and evening snacks.
  •  Always use fresh ginger (powder or prepackaged cannot be substituted)
  • Optional items:  You can use fresh green soanph powder (green dried, not roasted)
  • For those who prefer to drink chai without milk, the portion is replaced with water.

Sep 2, 2011

Watermelon Wonder

    For a long time, watermelon has been taken for granted as a sweet, tasty summertime fruit, made of sugar and water, and nothing more. The NWPB is proud to say that watermelon is the Lycopene Leader (Lycopene is a pigment that gives tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit their red color). among fresh produce. In addition to its healthy properties and effects on women, children, men and pregnant women, watermelon is an important part of a healthy diet. watermelon health benefits.
Make use of your leftover watermelon slices and cool down from the heat with this fresh, tangy summer sipper.
Fun Facts
  •      The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
  •      Watermelon is 92% water.
  •      Watermelon's official name is Catullus Lantus of the botanical family Curcurbitaceae. It is cousins to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash.
  •      By weight, watermelon is the most-consumed melon in the U.S., followed by cantaloupe and honeydew.
chopped watermelon                      2 cups
Sugar                                          1 tbsp.
Juice of lemon-                              1 no
Soda                                            1 cup
Fresh ginger, peeled and chopped    2 tbsp.
Fresh Basil                                   for decoration.
  •  Place watermelon cubes in a single layer in an extra-large zip-top plastic freezer bag, and freeze it for 1 hour.
  • Combine watermelon, soda, ginger and juice in a blender, and process until smooth. With blender on, add ice cubes, one at a time; process until smooth.
  • Decorate with fresh basil.
  • Serve immediately with ice cubes. 

Apr 15, 2011

Rainbow Punch

You can make this within 2 minutes. The photo shows only a sample in the  mug.

Rainbow sherbet                    1/2 gal
Diet ginger Ale                       1 tin
Lemon soda                           1 cup


  • Mix juices in a large bowl. Scoop sorbet in to punch bowl. Mix Ice cubes in it. Serve with ice cubes.

Neer moru. (Spiced up Buttermilk)

I make this for Ramanavami day.

Thick curd                                         1 cup
Water                                               2 – 3 cups
Hing                                                1/4 tsp
Fresh ginger grated                            1 tsp
Salt                                                 1/2 tsp
Finely chopped green chillies                 1no.
Curry leaves and coriander leaves         For decoration
 For Seasoning - mustard seeds            1/4 tsp..


  • Churn the curd to butter milk ,add enough water and all other ingredients, mix well.
  • Season some mustard seeds.
  • Neer Moru is ready.

Beetroot Masala

Beetroot is a very good healthy vegetable especially for increasing the HB count. It also helps to prevent macular degeneration, ...