Dec 17, 2011

Masala Chai (Spiced Tea)

Tea is drunk in many countries of the world, and each one has its own particular ways for preparation and service. Tea can be served hot or cold. India produces and consumes more tea than any other country in the world, except for China, including the famous Assam tea and Darjeeling tea.
In India, chai is available from street vendors called chaiwallahs. These chaiwallahs carry pots of chai and serve it in freshly fired earthen cups that are discarded after use. It is also a family tradition in India to welcome your guests with cups of chai .Each family has their own recipe and preparation method..
This warming beverage is easy to prepare by steeping spices in hot water and milk before adding black tea. It's not as milky as the chai often sold at American coffee bars. To make it richer, add more milk and sugar to taste.
Darjeeling teas are light and refreshing but they do not hold up well to strong spices like cinnamon and ginger. A simple cardamom infusion works well with Darjeeling teas. Nilgiri teas accept flavoring easily and work well for iced chais. Assam has a much more robust flavor and work well for strongly spiced hot chais. Green teas are also used but they do not hold up well to strong spices and must not be boiled or steeped for more than 3 minutes or you will end up with a bitter brew. If you need to avoid caffeine then you have a few options. Decaffeinated teas generally do not have the robust flavor that chai needs. A decaf breakfast blend will offer the best flavor. Another zero caffeine option is Rooibos, an herbal tea that is readily available.
Masala chai (literally "spiced tea") is a beverage from the Indian subcontinent made by brewing tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs.My Friend Mayura makes very tasty chai. Thanks Mayura for the wonderful tip.
Cold "chai"
As an alternative to the hot tea format, several types of cold "chai" beverages have become popular in the United States. These range in complexity from a simple spiced iced tea without milk to a slush of spiced tea, ice, and milk (or non-dairy creamer) mixed in a blender and topped with whipped cream.

A deep dish container
Water                              – ¾ cup
Whole milk                     – ½ cup (No other milk can be substituted (if you really want the taste of real chai))
Black tea                          2 tbsp. (Tetley ‘s loose tea I am using it)
Sugar                                to taste
 Grated Fresh ginger           1 tsp
Cloves                              2no
 Green Cardamoms             3 nos
cinnamon Powder               a pinch
  • In a mortar, crush the cloves, cardamom pods and pepper.
  • Take a small saucepan, add water, crushed masalas, sugar, fresh grated ginger and bring to a boil. Add tea leaves and let it boil one more minute.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, cover and keep aside for  5 minutes.
  • Take another sauce pan, add the milk and sugar to the pan and bring to a boil . Let it boil in simmer heat for few more minutes.
  • Remove from the heat and add the strained tea. Cover and let sleep for 3 minutes.
  • Stir the chai, strain it into am warmed teapot or directly into teacups.
  • Enjoy with cookies and evening snacks.
  •  Always use fresh ginger (powder or prepackaged cannot be substituted)
  • Optional items:  You can use fresh green soanph powder (green dried, not roasted)
  • For those who prefer to drink chai without milk, the portion is replaced with water.

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